sanic_healthcheck package


sanic_healthcheck.checker module

The base class for all implementations of a checker.

class sanic_healthcheck.checker.BaseChecker(app: Optional[] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None, checks: Optional[Iterator[Callable]] = None, success_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, success_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, success_status: Optional[int] = 200, failure_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, failure_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, failure_status: Optional[int] = 500, exception_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, **options)[source]

Bases: object

The base class for all checkers.

This class implements various common functionality for all checkers and requires that each checker define its own run method. Each checker implementation should also set its own default_uri.

  • app – The Sanic application instance to register the checker to. If not specified on initialization, the user must pass it to the init method to register the checker route with the application. If specified on initialization, init will be called automatically.
  • uri – The route URI to expose for the checker.
  • checks – A collection of checks to register with the checker on init. A check is a function which takes no arguments and returns (bool, str), where the boolean signifies whether the check passed or not, and the string is a message associated with the success/failure.
  • success_handler – A handler function which takes the check results (a list[dict]) and returns a message string. This is called when all checks pass.
  • success_headers – Headers to include in the checker response on success. By default, no additional headers are sent. This can be useful if, for example, a success handler is specified which returns a JSON message. The Content-Type: application/json header could be included here.
  • success_status – The HTTP status code to use when the checker passes its checks.
  • failure_handler – A handler function which takes the check results (a list[dict]) and returns a message string. This is called when any check fails.
  • failure_headers – Headers to include in the checker response on failure. By default, no additional headers are sent. This can be useful if, for example, a failure handler is specified which returns a JSON message. The Content-Type: application/json header could be included here.
  • failure_status – The HTTP status code to use when the checker fails its checks.
  • exception_handler – A function which would get called when a registered check raises an exception. This handler must take two arguments: the check function which raised the exception, and the tuple returned by sys.exc_info. It must return a tuple of (bool, string), where the boolean is whether or not it passed and the string is the message to use for the check response. By default, no exception handler is registered, so an exception will lead to a check failure.
  • options – Any additional options to pass to the Sanic.add_route method on init.
add_check(fn: Callable) → None[source]

Add a check to the checker.

A check function is a function which takes no arguments and returns (bool, str), where the boolean signifies whether the check passed or not, and the string is a message associated with the success/failure.

Parameters:fn – The check to add.
default_uri = None
exec_check(check: Callable) → Dict[KT, VT][source]

Execute a single check and generate a dictionary result from the result of the check.

Parameters:check – The check function to execute.
Returns:A dictionary containing the results of the check.
init(app:, uri: Optional[str] = None) → None[source]

Initialize the checker with the Sanic application.

This method will register a new endpoint for the specified Sanic application which exposes the results of the checker.

  • app – The Sanic application to register a new endpoint with.
  • uri – The URI of the endpoint to register. If not specified, the checker’s default_uri is used.
run(request) → sanic.response.HTTPResponse[source]

Run the checker.

Each subclass of the BaseChecker must define its own run logic.

sanic_healthcheck.handlers module

Success and failure handler definitions for checkers.

sanic_healthcheck.handlers.json_failure_handler(results: Iterator[Mapping[KT, VT_co]]) → str[source]

A failure handler which returns results in a JSON-formatted response.

The results of all checks which were executed for a checker.
Each result dictionary is guaranteed to have the keys: ‘check’, ‘message’, ‘passed’, ‘timestamp’.
The checker response, formatted as JSON.
sanic_healthcheck.handlers.json_success_handler(results: Iterator[Mapping[KT, VT_co]]) → str[source]

A success handler which returns results in a JSON-formatted response.

Parameters:results – The results of all checks which were executed for a checker. Each result dictionary is guaranteed to have the keys: ‘check’, ‘message’, ‘passed’, ‘timestamp’.
Returns:The checker response, formatted as JSON. module

A checker for application health.

When configured with a Sanic application, this checker provides a means for the application to specify whether or not it is operating in a healthy state. By identifying broken/unhealthy states, a management system could restart the application, potentially allowing it to recover.

This checker can be used to set up liveness probes for Kubernetes deployments:

It may also be used to define container health checks in docker-compose:

This checker exposes the /health endpoint by default.

class Optional[] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None, checks=None, no_cache: bool = False, success_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, success_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, success_status: Optional[int] = 200, success_ttl: Optional[int] = 25, failure_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, failure_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, failure_status: Optional[int] = 500, failure_ttl: Optional[int] = 5, exception_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, **options)[source]

Bases: sanic_healthcheck.checker.BaseChecker

A checker allowing a Sanic application to describe the health of the application at runtime.

The results of registered check functions are cached by this checker by default. To disable result caching, initialize the checker with no_cache=True. Since the health endpoint may be polled frequently (and potentially by multiple systems), the cache allows the check function results to be valid for a window of time, reducing the execution cost. This may be particularly helpful if a given health check is more expensive.

  • app – The Sanic application instance to register the checker to. If not specified on initialization, the user must pass it to the init method to register the checker route with the application. If specified on initialization, init will be called automatically.
  • uri – The route URI to expose for the checker.
  • checks – A collection of checks to register with the checker on init. A check is a function which takes no arguments and returns (bool, str), where the boolean signifies whether the check passed or not, and the string is a message associated with the success/failure.
  • no_cache – Disable the checker from caching check results. If this is set to True, the success_ttl and failure_ttl do nothing.
  • success_handler – A handler function which takes the check results (a list[dict]) and returns a message string. This is called when all checks pass.
  • success_headers – Headers to include in the checker response on success. By default, no additional headers are sent. This can be useful if, for example, a success handler is specified which returns a JSON message. The Content-Type: application/json header could be included here.
  • success_status – The HTTP status code to use when the checker passes its checks.
  • success_ttl – The TTL for a successful check result to live in the cache before it is updated.
  • failure_handler – A handler function which takes the check results (a list[dict]) and returns a message string. This is called when any check fails.
  • failure_headers – Headers to include in the checker response on failure. By default, no additional headers are sent. This can be useful if, for example, a failure handler is specified which returns a JSON message. The Content-Type: application/json header could be included here.
  • failure_status – The HTTP status code to use when the checker fails its checks.
  • failure_ttl – The TTL for a failed check result to live in the cache before it is updated.
  • exception_handler – A function which would get called when a registered check raises an exception. This handler must take two arguments: the check function which raised the exception, and the tuple returned by sys.exc_info. It must return a tuple of (bool, string), where the boolean is whether or not it passed and the string is the message to use for the check response. By default, no exception handler is registered, so an exception will lead to a check failure.
  • options – Any additional options to pass to the Sanic.add_route method on init.
default_uri = '/health'
run(request) → sanic.response.HTTPResponse[source]

Run all checks and generate an HTTP response for the results.

sanic_healthcheck.ready module

A checker for application readiness.

When configured with a Sanic application, this checker provides a means for the application to specify whether or not the application is in a state where it is fully started up and ready to receive traffic and run normally.

This checker can be used to set up readiness probes for Kubernetes deployments:

This checker exposes the /ready endpoint by default.

class sanic_healthcheck.ready.ReadyCheck(app: Optional[] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None, checks: Optional[Iterator[Callable]] = None, success_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, success_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, success_status: Optional[int] = 200, failure_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, failure_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, failure_status: Optional[int] = 500, exception_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, **options)[source]

Bases: sanic_healthcheck.checker.BaseChecker

A checker allowing a Sanic application to describe when it is ready to serve requests.

The results of registered check functions are not cached by this checker. There should not be a delay in determining application readiness due to a stale cache result.

default_uri = '/ready'
run(request) → sanic.response.HTTPResponse[source]

Run all checks and generate an HTTP response for the results.

Module contents

sanic_healthcheck: health checks for your Sanic applications.

class sanic_healthcheck.HealthCheck(app: Optional[] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None, checks=None, no_cache: bool = False, success_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, success_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, success_status: Optional[int] = 200, success_ttl: Optional[int] = 25, failure_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, failure_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, failure_status: Optional[int] = 500, failure_ttl: Optional[int] = 5, exception_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, **options)[source]

Bases: sanic_healthcheck.checker.BaseChecker

A checker allowing a Sanic application to describe the health of the application at runtime.

The results of registered check functions are cached by this checker by default. To disable result caching, initialize the checker with no_cache=True. Since the health endpoint may be polled frequently (and potentially by multiple systems), the cache allows the check function results to be valid for a window of time, reducing the execution cost. This may be particularly helpful if a given health check is more expensive.

  • app – The Sanic application instance to register the checker to. If not specified on initialization, the user must pass it to the init method to register the checker route with the application. If specified on initialization, init will be called automatically.
  • uri – The route URI to expose for the checker.
  • checks – A collection of checks to register with the checker on init. A check is a function which takes no arguments and returns (bool, str), where the boolean signifies whether the check passed or not, and the string is a message associated with the success/failure.
  • no_cache – Disable the checker from caching check results. If this is set to True, the success_ttl and failure_ttl do nothing.
  • success_handler – A handler function which takes the check results (a list[dict]) and returns a message string. This is called when all checks pass.
  • success_headers – Headers to include in the checker response on success. By default, no additional headers are sent. This can be useful if, for example, a success handler is specified which returns a JSON message. The Content-Type: application/json header could be included here.
  • success_status – The HTTP status code to use when the checker passes its checks.
  • success_ttl – The TTL for a successful check result to live in the cache before it is updated.
  • failure_handler – A handler function which takes the check results (a list[dict]) and returns a message string. This is called when any check fails.
  • failure_headers – Headers to include in the checker response on failure. By default, no additional headers are sent. This can be useful if, for example, a failure handler is specified which returns a JSON message. The Content-Type: application/json header could be included here.
  • failure_status – The HTTP status code to use when the checker fails its checks.
  • failure_ttl – The TTL for a failed check result to live in the cache before it is updated.
  • exception_handler – A function which would get called when a registered check raises an exception. This handler must take two arguments: the check function which raised the exception, and the tuple returned by sys.exc_info. It must return a tuple of (bool, string), where the boolean is whether or not it passed and the string is the message to use for the check response. By default, no exception handler is registered, so an exception will lead to a check failure.
  • options – Any additional options to pass to the Sanic.add_route method on init.
default_uri = '/health'
run(request) → sanic.response.HTTPResponse[source]

Run all checks and generate an HTTP response for the results.

class sanic_healthcheck.ReadyCheck(app: Optional[] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None, checks: Optional[Iterator[Callable]] = None, success_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, success_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, success_status: Optional[int] = 200, failure_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, failure_headers: Optional[Mapping[KT, VT_co]] = None, failure_status: Optional[int] = 500, exception_handler: Optional[Callable] = None, **options)[source]

Bases: sanic_healthcheck.checker.BaseChecker

A checker allowing a Sanic application to describe when it is ready to serve requests.

The results of registered check functions are not cached by this checker. There should not be a delay in determining application readiness due to a stale cache result.

default_uri = '/ready'
run(request) → sanic.response.HTTPResponse[source]

Run all checks and generate an HTTP response for the results.